To connect your Zendesk and Marvin accounts, click "Integrations" in the navigation bar and select Zendesk.
Enter your company domain name on Zendesk and click “Connect”.
This will open a pop-up window*, where you need to login using your Zendesk credentials.
*make sure your browser settings allow pop-up windows
Once the accounts are connected, the first import will retrieve the 5,000 most recent support tickets from your Zendesk account by default.
After this initial import, new tickets are automatically fetched. You have the option to disable this automatic syncing at any point.
Once you import tickets into a project, you’ll see them under Files in a project. You’ll see a toggle button on the folder to switch on or off automatic syncing.
All Zendesk tickets are converted into notes with the email body of the ticket, associated tags, and satisfaction rating. You can choose whether you want to include the name and email of the requester. We also give you an option to automatically add these customers to your Research Panel.
Privacy and controls
While importing, you can choose to anonymize the tickets by not including the name and email address of the requester when the data is imported.
You can also stop syncing folders and unlink your Zendesk and Marvin accounts at any point.
Still have questions? Reach out to our support team at [email protected], and we’re happy to help.
Do I need to be an admin in Zendesk to integrate my accounts?
No, admin access is not necessary to integrate your Zendesk account with Marvin. Agent access as well as admin access will let you to connect both accounts.
Do I need to be an admin in Marvin to integrate my accounts?
No, admin access in Marvin is not required to import Zendesk tickets. You could also be a Note Taker or Contributor.
How do I unlink my Zendesk account from Marvin?
Please write to us at [email protected], and we'll unlink your account for you.