This article will show you how to record calls on Zoom with the Marvin bot. You’ll learn how to grant permission to the bot to record and the message that participants will see.
Integrating your Zoom account
When you integrate your Marvin and Zoom accounts, Marvin can record calls and identify participants. Navigate to ‘Integrations’ and click ‘Connect’ to link your accounts.
You will need to log in and grant it permissions. Once you integrate Marvin with your Zoom account, the app can access:
Your profile information and calendar events
Participant details
Cloud recordings created through Zoom
Recording calls
To save call recordings to your repository, you can invite the Marvin bot to your Zoom meetings. The bot is a silent digital participant that records, transcribes and summarizes your interview.
To learn how to invite the bot in advance or while the call is going on, check out our article on how to record calls.
You can also choose to record the call via Zoom and upload it on Marvin.
Granting permission to record
When the bot joins the meeting, please admit it into your call.
In line with security and consent guidelines, the bot will ask for permission to record each call. Only the host can grant this permission.
Please click ‘Approve’ when you see the pop-up.
In case you do not see a notification asking for approval to record, please check your Zoom settings. You must toggle on ‘Record to computer files’.
You will have 50 seconds to grant the bot permission to record. Till you approve, this is the message you’ll see on the Live notes page on Marvin.
Host grants permission
When you grant permission to record, you’ll see a confirmation message on the screen.
Zoom will announce that the meeting is being recorded and send a message to the chat box as well.
Host denies permission
If you reject Marvin’s recording request, you’ll see a corresponding message on the Live notes page in Marvin.
Any of the participants can request permission again by clicking ‘Ask permission again’.
Host did not respond to the request
Marvin will still be able to record the call if you are the host and unable to join the meeting. Or, you joined the call after the record request was shown.
Marvin will wait for 50 seconds for the host to respond. If you neither allow nor deny the request, Marvin will go ahead with the recording
The other users will be asked to take verbal approval from participants.
That’s it! You’re all set. In case you have any questions, you can reach out to us at [email protected]