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How do I embed notes and clips in Confluence?
How do I embed notes and clips in Confluence?

Export Marvin notes to Confluence Pages and Whiteboards

Updated over 2 weeks ago

Share your research in Confluence

Marvin was built to help you share your research easily. Found an insight that would add value to a Page or Whiteboard in Confluence? You can embed Marvin notes and clips into your Confluence document.

How do I export a note to Confluence?

Copying the clip link

Locate the note or segment of the call that you want to export to Confluence. In case you haven’t created a note for that part of the call, select the text in the transcript. Type out a note or create an auto-note.

Click "Share clip" to copy the link to this note.

You can also copy the link to any note from the "Analyze" and "Cross-project analysis" tabs.

In case you are viewing a Marvin clip someone shared with you, you’ll notice an "Embed" option. This too copies the same clip link.

Adding the link to Confluence

Head over to your Page or Whiteboard in Confluence. All you have to do is paste the link in any empty space on the document.

The note text as well as the clip of the recording will be imported into Confluence. Click "Configure" to change how the link appears in your document.

You can choose to display the clip alongside the note text or even put the clip the focus.

Use these embedded videos and text to supplement the information in your Confluence document.

Just make sure an admin in Marvin has enabled this setting "Team’s content can be viewed by anyone with the link". Admins can find this under "Data privacy" in Admin settings in Marvin.


Q. Can I import data from Confluence into Marvin?

A. At the moment, we only support exporting of notes from Marvin to Confluence.

Q. Can anyone in Marvin export a note to Confluence?

A. All users in Marvin can embed notes in Confluence as long as the team's content can be viewed by anyone with the link. Marvin Admins will find this setting under 'Data privacy' in 'Admin settings'.

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